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Printing with Coffee

Vany Tree

For this photograph, I did the printing with coffee technique. The ingredients I used were: instant coffee crystals, Vitamin C powder, dishwashing liquid soap and hot water. The first step that I did was fill two glasses with 6 oz. of hot water each, in one glass I mixed 5 teaspoons of instant coffee crystals and 1 whole teaspoon of Vitamin C. For the second glass I mix 3-1/2 teaspoons of washing soda. When everything was mixed, I stir the two solutions together in a single glass.

I thought of the idea of taking a photo underneath the tree because I have always thought that taking a picture from this perspective would result in an interesting photograph but I have never had the chance. I think that looking at a tree from this perspective is beautiful and that people don't typically see the beauty of trees from this perspective. From looking at this photograph there can be a variety of meaning and interpretations. For example, one person looking at this photograph may interpret that this could look like magnified veins from a body, and another person may view this photograph and it may remind them of a movie they have seen. If I had another chance to take this photograph again, I would try to make it more focused in order to make the image more clear. I am proud of this photograph because although it may not be as clear, there is still a cool effect created that tells many different stories.

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