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2:1 Ratio Lighting

1. Curtains:

My vision for this photograph was to create something theatrical or a space like a theatre. The lighting is 2:1 ratio lighting. As you can see by looking at the model in the photograph, there is one light on the left side that is 2 times brighter than the light that is on the top right side. When looking at the cheekbone of the model, this lighting effect makes their face face brighter, and thus shows that the light on the left is brighter than the light on the right. By using this lighting technique, I wanted to create a theatrical story in this photograph. As the model is standing by a curtain, and the bright light on the left casts a shadow on the curtain, it creates the story of a performer on stage.

2. Blue Background:

My vision for this photograph, came from the conversation the model was having at the time the photograph was taken. For the lighting, I chose to make the light on the right 2 times brighter than the one on the left. As you can tell by looking at the photo, the light brightens up the models forehead on the right side. The models face has clear defining lines of light, where one side is dark and one side is light. However, the light gradually bleeds from right to left on the model's’ shirt. I wanted to capture the mood portrayed on the model’s face as it demonstrated the tone of the conversation she was having. The light naturally highlights her eye and mouth expressions. Her tilted head helps the light to catch her emotional features that are contributing to the overall mood of the photograph.

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